Types of Applications
We understand that it can be frustrating when working with a new-to-you venue, so we are taking a moment to explain them before you click on that events drop-down menu of applications. Clicking on one of those links will take you to the next event dates applications on Google Forms. It is advantageous to have a Gmail Account as logging into that will assist in ensuring we respond to the "correct" email provided. Our experience has also taught us the Gmail accounts are very user friendly that has security safeguards you can use to reduce the chances of someone taking over your account, to that end we recommend having two-step authorization for anytime a new device requests access to your Gmail account.
Vendors is the most frequented application we have. It covers handcrafted, retail resale not related to DS/MLM products, and food vendors that do not require electricity to keep or prepare their products in a safe manner as described by Texas Health and Human Services. We do allow up to three(3) vendors with the same product category to give guests more options, while not inundating the event with only one product. To this end, all applications are juried in the selection of the vendors, overall product displays, and the understanding of any attire requirements we have.
Themed events, Ren Faire, and Pirate Puppy Party vendors are asked to dress appropriately for the theme or to wear attire that advertises their business name on it. The manner in which the second choice is done, we leave to the vendor. If any vendor needs assistance in making this happen, we have a vendor willing to help and are an affiliate members of Vista Print and Printify. If you need this option, please allow plenty of time for the product to be designed, approved, created, and shipped. Rushed items cost more and the chances of error going up as one of our main event coordinators is also our graphic design specialist operating with limited time amounts.
We do have event planning meetings the fourth Sunday of every month at 6 PM. The ZOOM Meeting ID is 830 535 2022. You do need to have a ZOOM Account to join our meetings. Only the General Meeting that starts at 7PM is recorded and published on our YouTube Channel on the following business day.
Direct Sales and Multilevel Marketing Affiliate is the second most frequented application we have. It covers DS/MLM products, which are mass produced items by a specific company and sold by representatives who have been trained in that brand, their corporate culture, and product specifics. We allow only one vendor per affiliated companies. To this end, all applications are juried in the selection of the vendors, overall product displays, and the understanding of any attire requirements we have.
This section pertains to food and beverages. If you are required to maintain products at a set temperature or prepare food items on-site, this is your application. If you are self-contained and do not need access to electricity, please use the regular vendor option and one of the attached files needs to be your Health Permit.
We have our eye on the day that we can pay you your worth in gold. In the meantime, we do allow you/your group a 12' x 12' vending space (no electricity), what you would normally charge for an all day event in a donation receipt, along with follow through of advertising any events that you send us on the Bards Guild of Requiem Social Media Accounts that feed the Bards Guild Discussion group and webpage, and letting us know no later than 30 days before our event how many will be attending/performing from your group so that we have an adequate supply of booklets of $20 food vouchers at participating food vendors and that amount in our final budget. Failure to get us the amount of booklets needed may result in none being available.
We will attempt to have different performing areas for each of the entertaining types, but cannot guarantee we will have adequate seating for more than one area. We will also attempt to decorate that space in theme with the event. We do ask that you, and your troupe, dress appropriately for the event you are attending. As we have reached the seven-year mark of themed events, this is something we will be holding solid to. If unsure your attire is appropriate for the event you are applying for, please
Email: RequiemsEventsofTexas@GuildsofRequiem.com
Subject line: attire for <name the event>
You are the bread and butter to our events! We like to promote you as often and frequently we can! How much promoting do you ask? Here is a break-down of set donation amounts. If you would like to donate a prize items, please email: RequiemsEventsofTexas@GuildsofRequiem.com
Non vendor: $50 - Business or an Individual's name on the event flyer that begins distribution no later than 30 days before each event.
$100: Promotional space at the event, 2 social media posts, logo (sm) on printed materials*, MC shout out at the event, and social media shout out after the event.
​$250: Promotional space at the event, 3 social media posts, social media hashtag on some of the posts, name on printed material*, a MC shootout during the event, 30-day hotlink on our website, and shout out after the event.
***** $500 and up: Sponsor can provide a banner for us to display at the event location from at least a week before the event till the Monday after the event *****
$500: Promotional space at the event, social media hashtag on posts, 4 social media posts with 2 of them specific to the sponsor, name, or logo, on printed material*, MC shout outs during the event, hotlink on our website to your web presence for 60 days and 2 additional social media shout outs after the event.​
$1000: Promotional space at the event, social media hashtag on all posts, 5 social media posts with 3 of them specific to the sponsor, name and logo, on all printed material*, MC "shout outs" during the event, 90 days "hotlink" from our website to your web presence plus 90 days of promoting your business/organization on The Merchants’ Guild of Requiem social media accounts and webpage
There is no way around, events and coordinators rely on the volunteers to make things happen the day before, the day of, and the day after. We do like to treat our volunteers right and that begins with making sure you are taken care of. Our guest services tent will have bottled water and electrolyte mix-ins. Volunteer for at least four (4) hours and we have a $20 food voucher with your name on it! These are good with select food vendors that are listed in the Guest Services and volunteer pavilion.
We have a First Aid Station. Ms. Robin will be at the Guest Services Pavilion, right next to it. The two most frequent things we see are cuts, minor abrasions, and bug bites. We provide a well stocked first aid supplies courtesy of Guardian EMS. All items are OTC, so just ask if you need something. A volunteer is needed to make sure the area is appropriately cleaned after each use. Anyone who comes into the First Aid Station with a medical emergency requires Ms. Robin's attention, to assist with the determination if the person wants EMS contacted. While we have seen a heart attack in the past, it did not warrant the need for us to have a portable AED, and additional associated training for events. While we ask the volunteer to have Basic First Aid and CPR training, it is not required as you are simply monitoring the area.
We also have a Parent's Den that we make as cozy and calming as possible. Volunteering at this station involves insuring the area is left as clean as when a person arrives. This also includes sanitizing the used area. We have spray and wipes. This area sees about one (1) parent an hour.
If you have any questions, please
Email: RequiemsEventsofTexas@GuildsofRequiem.com
Subject line: volunteer for <name the event>