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As our events are FREE to the public and as low cost as possible to the vendors, that we are always in need of donations. Financial contributions can be made directly to us, or to someone else on our behalf. Raffle prizes are always a big hit and revenue generating for each specific event. What do we mean by that?  Items that are donated to a specific event help fundraise for the same event each year.

Example: Donation of a gift certificate to Tractor Supply for the Fall Homesteaders and Preppers Bazaar (Fall H&P). Raffle ticket sales at Fall Homesteaders and Preppers Bazaar will go to the same event next year.
 Homesteaders and Preppers Bazaar:
      Camping Supplies
      Survival Gear
      Seed Vaults
      Poultry Incubators
      Gardening Tools
      Home Decor with a purpose
     Gift Certificates
Ren Faire and Pirate Puppy Party:
Swords and Daggers (real and practice aka child "safe")
Attire Accessories (hats, belts, etc.)
Gaming Supplies
Event Specific Décor
Grooming Services
Hair/Wig Styling
Make-up/Face Painting
Pet Grooming services for Pirate Puppy Party
Gift Certificates
We like to have activities that are fitting for each of our events. As we are staffed 100% by volunteers, it is a challenge to have someone from our group coordinate and run an activity. Items we hope to have at each event is listed below.  We also love to keep our volunteers happy and well fed!  This represents $200 at a smaller event and up to $500 at Ren Faire of Bandera County. 
To sponsor one or more portions of an event, please go to our Sponsors Application or email

 We have two ways in which you can advertise your business or promote an organization you belong to. 


Merchants Monday

Our way of giving back to the community that supports us. These donations are used for business operations.


What is in it for you?

  • Upon expressing interest in Merchant's Monday we give you a post for "free" so that you can get an idea of the marketing we do. We then work with you to insure we are giving a cohesive message that fits your business plan and marketing

  • $50 donation per quarter includes: one post per quarter and a booth at one event

  • $100 donation per quarter includes: two posts per quarter and a booth at two events

  • $250 donation per quarter includes: three posts per quarter and a booth at three events

  • $500 donation for one year (value option): 12 posts per year, a booth at all four events, listed as a sponsor for all four events

Booth space can be used by you to sell merchandise or promote a service you provide, or can be gifted to a nonprofit of your choice to utilize of fundraising purposes. 


Event Sponsorship

Sponsoring an event insures that we can keep the event FREE to attend and low-cost to vend at.


What is in it for you?

All sponsorship levels include one booth space to be used by your business for retail sales/services promotion, or the ability to donate that space to a local nonprofit for fundraising.


$100 donation

  • Two social media posts on that events social media accounts plus our main social media account

  • Business name listed on any promotional material (date restrictions apply)

  • One additional social media post after the event thanking our sponsors

$250 donation

  • Three social media posts on the events social media account, GoR main social media account, and sponsoring guilds/department's social media accounts

  • Business name and a small logo listed on any promotional materials (date restrictions apply)

  • One additional social media post after the event thanking our sponsors

$500 donation

  • Posting on Merchant's Monday leading up to the event, plus posting on event related social media, and main GoR account

  • Usage of a trackable social media hashtag

  • Business name and medium logo on any promotional materials (date restrictions apply)

  • Displaying of your business banner at least one week prior to the event and the day of the event

  • One additional social media post after the event thanking our sponsors plus one additional Merchant's Monday post

$1000 donation 

  • Posting on Merchant's Monday leading up to the event, plus posting on event related social media, main GoR account, and sponsoring guilds/department's social media account

  • Usage of a trackable social media hashtag

  • Business name and large logo on any promotional materials (date restrictions apply)

  • Displaying of your business banner at least one week prior to the event to one week after the event

  • One additional social media post after the event thanking our sponsors plus three additional Merchant's Monday posts


"We run on donations and volunteers" is a common mantra of small nonprofits looking to make a difference. We are no different, especially when it comes to our events. What types of volunteers are we looking for?

* Those who are reliable is a start. The reason for this is we budget money at each event to pay for our volunteers to eat while there ($20 to use at participating food vendors). 


* General gophers: These are the ones running errands, helping vendors find their spot, unload (if we have enough to do so), and help them safely navigate out to park their vehicle.


* First Aid Station and Mother's Den: They help guests find what they need, clean-up and sanitize after each guest leaves, and act as a a central point of contact for anyone with a medical emergency. They are the ones to decide, with the guests input, that EMS needs to be called. Most importantly, they insure that the EMS parking space is occupied by emergency services only. Being First Aid/CPR with Blood Borne Pathogens is a must at this feature. 

** Those who are repeat volunteers might find themselves answering questions

about "modern medicine" through the ages as one of our mission statements has to

do with an educational aspect to  features at all of our events. **


* Guest Services: They are the informational center on which vendors are where, where the entertainers are located, any activities, once vetted (repeat trustworthy volunteer or known very well by a staff member who can vouch for them) they can promote and collect for the Raffle Items. 


* Guardian for the Tunnus de Requiem Memorial tent. They answer questions about this unique attraction. They insure each person has as much time as they needed to converse with someone who has passed away. Being highly empathetic is a must. Appropriate impeccable attire is always welcome. The typical guardian is someone who has served as a first responder, military, or frontline health care worker that understands the pain of losing someone and choose this feature to remember the fallen.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram

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The Targeted Marketing for this subscription group is related to events and activities of Guilds of Requiem, Inc. 

We do verify emails before approving subscriptions to keep everyone safe from Scammers & Spammers.

                        by Guilds of Requiem, Inc. and the Merchants Guilds of Requiem

© Copyright 2016 -

A Guilded Project from Guilds of Requiem, Inc.
A Non-Profit Private Foundation

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